Tuesday, July 22, 2008

"The Sea Turtles" by The Sea Turtles (Jazz/Rock artist from Pennsylvania)

Get ready to hit the beach with this innovative self titled jazz-infused instrumental surf album from The Sea Turtles. This Pennsylvania based three piece band relies strictly on guitar, bass, and drums to entertain your ears. It may sound simple, but they manage to create a full and innovative sound, causing the listener at once to feel as though they are both on an island and in a jazz club . The recording quality gives a similar feel; one could imagine The Sea Turtles booming through a speaker, live or recorded, at either location. This album shows The Sea Turtles superb improvisational skills, as well as their influences, which range from the Beach Boys on guitar to the classical jazz sound on drums and bass doubtlessly influenced by a plethora of jazz predecessors. "Fastback" creates a great smooth sound with jazz guitar and classic drum and bass lines. "Paragon" features a quick tempo and presents more of a rock feel as it begins with the bassist matching every note the guitar plays. Overall, "The Sea Turtles" is a fun, innovative, and impressive album for anyone who wants to know what jazzy surf rock is all about.
-Chris & the RadioIndy.com Reviewer Team

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