Tuesday, March 30, 2010

"Real Tapes" by Dizzy Ritzy (Blues/Rock Artist from Italy)

Dizzy Ritzy's hypnotic album, "Real Tapes," is comprised of hard core Blues/Rock songs that carry substantial psychedelic influences to it as well. In "Die Hard" we hear a fierce and quick rock song replete with awesome shredding and ambient sounds of police sirens that creates a car chase put to music. "I Wish Meet You" is a plodding Blues/Rock song in which Ritzy shows off his dynamic vocal range. "Together" is a song that has more of a traditional Blues beat to it but is unique through the emotive vocal interplay between Ritzy and his talented female guest vocalist. In this album, Ritzy has channeled the varying Rock styles of the past few generations and expresses them through zestful Blues/Rock songs with style and attitude. Fans of Stevie Ray Vaughan or Led Zeppelin will thoroughly enjoy the rocking songs of "Real Tapes."

-Sean B. and the RadioIndy.com Reviewer Team
Check out Dizzy Ritzy's music on RadioIndy.com with link to purchase and links to popular sites

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