Saturday, May 17, 2008

"The Fortune Teller" by Too Slim and The Taildraggers (Rock Artist from Washington(WA))

"The Fortune Teller" by Too Slim and The Taildraggers is a dirty alternative rock album with a flavorful southern flair. The songs tell stories and the guitars are big and raunchy. The sound has an instant listen-ability, and you will find yourself singing along to the well-layered choruses. These guys don't just stick to the basics though. Each song has its own unique identity, personality, and instrumental variance. All the while, the band still manages to adhere to a 'signature sound' throughout. Highlights include "Mexico," with its standout lead and backup vocals, and its interesting and innovative addition of steel drums. "She Gives Me Money" features a fantastic slide guitar riff and nice throaty vocals. "Spell On Me" has a catchy beat, more good slide guitar and a slithery feel. If you like Creedence Clearwater Revival and Stevie Ray Vaughan, you'll like this one.
-William and the Reviewer Team

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